Extracts from Benlunar for Awards submissions

00:00:00 - The Opening

Every episode opens with a poem. Each season has a different poem. This is from season 1. We wanted to give the listener a feeling like they're entering a story or another world.

00:00:57 - The beginning of season 3

This passage is from the opening of season 3. We thought it exemplifies the tone and world of the podcast. Lilian, our young heroine, is in a new city and desperate for something to eat. Will she stoop to stealing?

00:03:16 - A lesson in magic

Benlunar is a fantasy story and so contains magic (called 'gloaming'). I wanted the magic to be linked to something the listeners could benefit from emulating. Lilian therefore practises clearing her mind and breathing deeply whenever she has to perform any magic. If a young listener wanted to practise 'magic' at home therefore, they would be getting the benefits of a session of meditation.

00:06:22 - Navnghast

The world of Alicium is a dangerous place. Our heroes fight assassins, zealots, soldiers and even demons... This extract is from the 'Winter Special' where a group of young children in Benlunar must confront the demon: Navnghast.

00:08:51 - The cliffhanger

Every episode of Benlunar ends on an exciting revelation or dramatic moment. In this one, Lilian has stumbled across a town called 'Hundsberg' where everyone owns their own dog. The town has been plagued by a series of awful graffiti urging the residents to 'get out'. Lilian has a sudden realisation about the potential culprit.